Janet hails from London and works as a Technical Consultant for a large corporation. Skincare is her number one hobby but she is also a foodie and traveller. Her journey with skincare began with the infamous St Ives Scrub and she says’ I had no idea it was harmful for the skin’
She started to take skincare more seriously 3 years ago, when her skincare when haywire and she was suffering from constant blemishes and clusters of rashes/spots. After being prescribed a topical cream by both her GP and a nurse, which did nothing for her skin, she made the decision to take matters in her own hand and educate herself on looking after her skin. ‘t’s definitely been a trial and error journey’, says Janet. She wanted to connect with other skin enthusiasts who shared the same she has and this is what led her to create her skincare instagram account.
Janet was hooked to K-Beauty after watching a youtube video. She bought a snail essence and the rest was history. She enjoys using k-beauty products because of the focus on hydration and credits her glow to using kbeauty.
- Age 20's
- Skin Type Combination skin
- Skin Concerns: Dehydrated and hyperpigmentation
- Favourite K-Beauty products from TONIC15 I’m From Rice Toner and Dear Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask (Divine)
- Favourite skincare step I really enjoy toning! I feel my skin reset and gets ready to absorb everything else I slather one top!
Janet's Favourites